Brick Veneer Siding

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Brick veneer sidings look just like a solid brick, but they are absolutely different, so it’s important to clarify what is brick veneer siding and what is the main difference between solid brick and brick veneer. The most important difference between them is that brick veneer siding is not part of the structure of the home and they are held up against the wall, on the other side, brick homes are built with real bricks block upon block being the mainly structural part of the house.

In Calgary, there are some neighborhoods full with houses that appear to be made with solid bricks but the truth is that most of them are made with brick veneer sidings. Of course, building a house with solid bricks is way much more expensive than using brick veneer sidings, this adds value to the property and it has more reputation than brick veneers sidings but they look just the same, it’s hard to tell if it’s solid brick or brick veneer mainly because the past 40 years most of the houses were built with brick veneer sidings especially because of the low cost but also because people realized that brick veneer sidings offer some of the benefits that solid brick does, for example, it’s durable, fireproof, you can say that it’s a better insulator providing natural insulation in winter season or summer as well.

It’s not recommendable to install the exterior without professional supervision, because even if you are not affecting the main structure of your house, you are still adding weight to the foundation so you might want to have the job done by experts and the best option is to trust in Stone Concept, they will provide all the assessment that you need to have the job done with the best design and the best final results for your exterior.


Keywords: Description:
Brick Is building material used to make walls, pavements and other elements in masonry construction.
Veneer Consist of a single non-structural external layer of masonry work, typically brick, backed by an air space.
Wall Is a structure that defines an area, carries a load, or provides shelter or security.
Siding  Is the exterior material applied to the walls of a house or other building meant to shed water, protect the walls from the effects of weather, insulate, and is a key in the aesthetics of the structure.
Thin Brick  brick veneer | veneer brick panels | veneer brick